When to Get a Hearing Test
The questions below have been adapted from a self-assessment tool created by the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Please take the time to think about each question, and find out if you should seek further help for your hearing.
Most hearing loss develops gradually, so the signs are difficult to detect. Ask yourself these questions to evaluate how you are hearing.
Do people seem to mumble or speak in a softer voice more than they used to?
Do you feel tired or irritable after a long conversation?
Do you sometimes miss key words in a sentence?
Do you frequently need to ask people to repeat themselves?
Do you have difficulty understanding the conversation in a crowded room?
If you answered YES to two or more of these questions, you may want to schedule a hearing test by a doctor of audiology. Through testing, an audiologist can tell you whether you have a hearing loss as well as its nature and extent. If a hearing loss is detected, an appropriate course of action will be recommended.